Acupuncture activates the body’s own healing ability to rebalance & restore itself naturally. Our clinic uses traditional, time honoured methods to help our clients heal and rejuvenate their bodies and minds. Whilst it is still considered an alternate therapy, acupuncture is now regarded throughout the medical community for its effectiveness and lack of negative side effects, and has been known to successfully treat many acute & chronic illnesses that Western medicine had trouble treating effectively.
Acupuncture can help people with anxiety, stress, nervous tension, PTSD and depression. Emotions and thoughts, or, cognitive function, and the state of the 'Shen', or spirit/mind, is an integral part of the diagnostic process and treatment approach in Chinese medicine, embracing the (w)holistic.
As well as helping people with mental and emotional health problems, Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can assist 'well' people, those who are wanting to work through 'blocks' to reaching their full potential, working on the soul level to return to the whole self by transforming trauma.
Acupuncture can help people with pain, tension, injury and restricted movement of muscles, joints and ligaments.
People with sports injuries, scar tissue, acute or chronic pain and tension may benefit from having acupuncture, as well as other treatment methods used by a traditionally trained acupuncturist, including moxibustion (heat therapy), cupping, gua-sha and tuina, which are all soft tissue therapies which improve circulation of blood and fluids in the soft tissue and help with adhesions and inflammation.
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