Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system called Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).
Herbs are prescribed to restore energy balance to the opposing forces of energy - Yin and Yang - that run through invisible channels in the body.
Acupuncture activates the body’s own healing ability to rebalance & restore itself naturally.
Our clinic uses traditional, time honoured methods to help our clients heal and rejuvenate their bodies and minds.
Experienced Remedial Massage Therapists
Remedial massage is the scientific and holistic method of repairing, regenerating and relieving pain in the soft tissues of the body through manual manipulation. When muscles have become tense, damaged or ...
Cupping therapy is one of the oldest techniques to relieve pain and release toxins from the body. Special cups are placed on your skin to create a suction effect that draws your skin upward and boosts blood flow to the target area.
View moreGua Sha massage is an ancient Chinese wellness practice dating back to the 14th Century, Ming Dynasty. The term “Gua Sha” means “to scrape disease or illness”. This self care massage technique involves scraping the surface of the skin to break up stagnant “chi” (energy) in the body by relieving ...
View moreThis traditional treatment is often used alongside acupuncture.
Moxibustion is an external treatment that comes from traditional Chinese medicine. The practice involves a practitioner burning the herb moxa on or above the skin to stimulate specific acupressure points.
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