Experienced Remedial Massage Therapists
Remedial massage is the scientific and holistic method of repairing, regenerating and relieving pain in the soft tissues of the body through manual manipulation. When muscles have become tense, damaged or “knotted”, Remedial Massage can restore healthy muscle function.
The firmer pressure and targeted techniques of remedial massage can provide you with relief from pain, improved movement and improved healing for muscular injuries. All of our massage therapists have been extensively trained in a range of different Remedial Massage techniques including deep tissue massage, myofacialrelease, trigger point therapy and specific directed stretching, to name just a few.
Remedial Massage is so effective because it stimulates the flow of blood to the tissues, which allows toxins that have built up in the muscles due to overuse or injury to be removed, thus speeding up the repair process. It also improves joint mobility and flexibility through the active release of specific muscle groups that may be reducing normal range of motion.
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